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Excel today while evolving to meet tomorrow.

The financial service space is undergoing a massive change and what used to work in the past won’t be adequate in the future. There are many constraints on the financial sector currently, be it due to new regulations, new technology or increased customer expectations. Thus, there is a dire need to adopt new talent strategies to develop talent pools capable of tackling the modern issues and at the same time, capitalise on the opportunities that these new trends present.

The leaders in today’s financial space need to be agile in order to adjust to this constantly changing market space. We at 1800hiring provide organisational consulting for the acquisition of the right talent pool for financial services firms, insurance companies, commercial and consumer banks, and investment banks.

What we do?

Our marketing and sales consultants are veterans of field and bring on years on real life experiences. Be it running millions of dollars of marketing campaigns or selling services and products ranging from websites to real-estate, our consultants have done it all and bring this invaluable experience while acquiring a talent pool for your firm.

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